

  • noun: the power to give orders or make decisions
  • noun: a citation (as from a book or file) used in defense or support
  • often used with 'the'
  • synonyms: dominion, jurisdiction, authorization


  • “Who gave him the 'authority' to do this?” “He didn't do it 'on his own authority' [=he didn't do it on his own]; he was acting 'under the authority of' the company president.” [=the company president gave him the power to do it]

  • No one 'in authority' objected to the plan. = No one 'in a position of authority' objected to the plan. [=no one with official power to make important decisions objected to the plan]

  • This office has 'authority' over personnel matters. [=this office has the power to make decisions about personnel matters]

Movie quotes

  • (..) to attend tomorrow's march, mostly white, mostly clergy of some kind. The SCLC is seeking a federal court order enjoining the state authorities from interfering with the next march. You're asking me to overturn the Governor's mandate and to do so without a hearing, (..)
    2014 Selma