

  • noun: the power to give orders or make decisions
  • noun: a citation (as from a book or file) used in defense or support
  • often used with 'the'
  • synonyms: dominion, jurisdiction, authorization


  • “Who gave him the 'authority' to do this?” “He didn't do it 'on his own authority' [=he didn't do it on his own]; he was acting 'under the authority of' the company president.” [=the company president gave him the power to do it]

  • No one 'in authority' objected to the plan. = No one 'in a position of authority' objected to the plan. [=no one with official power to make important decisions objected to the plan]

  • This office has 'authority' over personnel matters. [=this office has the power to make decisions about personnel matters]

Movie quotes

  • (..) You've got a great mouth. The thing just dropped in the middle of central park. It was amazing, and everybody's, like, going crazy. Dick, uh, according to authorities, The area has been cleared. Only the central park rangers now remain in the park. These forces are highly trained, (..)
    2003 Elf
  • (..) I'm standing here outside central park Where it is unclear exactly what has happened. What we do know is that authorities Have closed the park And are in the process of clearing it. The only thing that people can seem to agree on here (..)
    2003 Elf