

  • past tense of 'blow'


  • The storm eventually 'blew out'. [='blew over'] = The storm eventually 'blew itself out'. [=the storm eventually ended]

  • I was late for the job interview and that 'blew it' for me. [=that caused me not to get the job]

  • The bomb 'blew' the bridge to bits/smithereens. [=the bomb completely destroyed the bridge]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) to your outgoing mail? I'd be happy to. Good day, sir. Mr. Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning. All told, he blew town... ...with better than $ of Warden Norton's money. Severance pay for years. Good morning, Portland Daily Bugle. Byron Hadley? (..)
    1994 The Shawshank Redemption