

  • noun: a line separating one country or state from another
  • noun: an outer part or edge
  • verb: to be next to (a country, state, or area)
  • verb: to put a border on
  • often used before another noun
  • synonyms: verge, edge, brim


  • They've lived in southern Texas for years, but have never been south of 'the border'. [=the U.S. border with Mexico]

  • The neighborhood 'is bordered' by Main Street on the north and the river on the south.

  • She's from northern Montana, near 'the border'. [=the U.S. border with Canada]

Movie quotes

  • (..) If I go to the Fat Man to buy a special pass he wants to know the reason. Then tell him that I've threatened your life, unless you help me to get across the border. Tell him that for half the sum of the reward, plus a forged pass to get you out of the country, you will deliver me into an (..)
    1975 The Return of the Pink Panther
  • (..) I haven't got a truck anymore. I sold it. Wh-Wh-What do you want it for? You're gonna help me get across the border. It's impossible. The border is closed. You have to have a special pass. Then get one. It's out of the question. (..)
    1975 The Return of the Pink Panther