

  • noun: the part of the body you sit on
  • verb: to thrust or push headfirst
  • verb: to hit or push (something) forcefully with the head
  • used in informal phrases where 'ass' might also be used
  • synonyms: buttocks, water butt, limit


  • The floorboards are weakest where they 'butt' (against each other). [=where they meet, where the ends of the boards touch each other]

  • As a child, she was a clumsy girl who was the 'butt of' everyone's jokes. [=people made jokes about her because she was clumsy]

  • Why don't you 'get off your butt' and do something? [=why don't you stop being so lazy and do something?]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) -Golly bob howdy! That's me! We're all up here! Hey, Chuckles, lookin' good. Yeah, she really got your smile. What the... l told you kids! Stay out of my butt! But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? Romeo, o Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Next season, we're doing . (..)
    2010 Toy Story 3