

  • noun: the state of being or feeling certain about something
  • noun: something that is 'certain'
  • synonyms: clearness, lucidity, fixity


  • His victory in the election is 'almost a certainty'. [=it is nearly certain/definite that he will win the election]

  • It is difficult to say 'with certainty' [=in a certain or definite way] which of the plays was written first.

  • Scientists still do not know with any degree of 'certainty' why the disease spread so quickly.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - Yes. - Did you mean it? - Every word. You really think blowing up Parliament's going to make this country a better place? There's no certainty, only opportunity. You can be pretty certain that if anyone does show up... ...Creedy'll black-bag every one of them. People should not be afraid (..)
    2005 V for Vendetta