

  • noun: information in the form of a table, diagram, etc.
  • noun: as
  • noun: an outline map exhibiting something (as climatic or magnetic variations) in its geographical aspects
  • verb: to make a chart of (an area)
  • verb: to lay out a plan for
  • usually plural
  • synonyms: map, lambert conformal projection, mercator projection


  • They 'charted' the course of the ship.

  • They 'charted' the bay.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Now, the orphan Tulip has just turned , which means we can finally liberate her and return her to the human world. But she's no trouble. Oh, she isn't, is she? Here's our profit chart. - I love a good profit chart. - Me, too. Yeah! The peaks are when Tulip is on vacation, (..)
    2016 Storks