

  • noun: a piece of personal property
  • past tense of 'choose'
  • synonyms: thing


  • When we 'chose sides' in gym class, I was always the last person to be picked to be on a team.

  • He was 'chosen' because he's qualified for the job.

  • She was 'chosen' from a long list of people.

Movie quotes

  • (..) I knew we needed to escape, but she wouldn't accept it. She had locked something away, something deep inside. A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. And she couldn't break free. So I decided to search for it. I went deep into the recess of her mind and found that secret place. (..)
    2010 Inception
  • (..) for me to live like that. And what about for her? She had locked something away, something deep inside her. A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. Limbo became her reality. What happened when you woke up? Well, to wake up from that after years, after decades... (..)
    2010 Inception