

  • adjective: marked by well-organized laws and rules about how people behave with each other
  • adjective: characteristic of a state of 'civilization'
  • synonyms: christian, abstruse, advanced


  • With my new job, I'll be able to start my day at a more 'civilized' hour. [=at a time that is not so early in the morning]

  • a person known throughout the 'civilized world' [=everywhere people live in well-organized and developed societies]

  • They lived in a more 'civilized' era. [=a time when people were more concerned with what was proper]

Movie quotes

  • (..) Ned! Come on! It's me, it's Mike! Ned, Ned, Ned, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, stop it! Stop it! Now! Oh. An elegant weapon... ...from a more civilized time. Hey, it's me! It's Mike O'Donnell, your best friend! You have an undescended testicle. Googleable! Ned! (..)
    2009 17 Again