

  • noun: the land along or near a sea or ocean
  • noun: the land near a shore
  • verb: to move forward using no power or very little power
  • verb: to move along or past the side of
  • used in the phrase 'the coast is clear'
  • synonyms: seashore, approach, shore


  • The space shuttle launch was on television stations 'from coast to coast'. [=throughout the country]

  • She decided she could 'coast' along without a job for the next few months.

  • After taking a big lead, the team 'coasted' to victory.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) By the way, the next time l send an audience research report around... you'd better read it, or l'll sack the lot of you. ls that clear? l'll be on the coast in four weeks. Can you set up a meeting with Laureen Hobbs? The business of management is management. At the time CCA took control, (..)
    1976 Network
  • (..) No booze. George, can you come into my office for a minute? Barbara, is Tommy around? l'd like to see the two of you. This is Bill Herron from our West Coast Special Programs Department. George Bosch. Barbara Schlesinger. Tommy Pellegrino. l just saw footage of a special Bill's (..)
    1976 Network