

  • noun: a strong feeling (such as love, anger, joy, hate, or fear)
  • noun: the affective aspect of consciousness
  • synonyms: disturbance, excitement, feeling


  • I have 'mixed emotions' [='mixed feelings'] about doing this. [=I'm not sure if I want to do this or not]

  • He's always found it hard to express (his) 'emotions'. [=to show his feelings]

  • The defendant showed/displayed no 'emotion' when the verdict was read.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Your body may have gone, but your still here. That's not even my brain. We had to repair the damaged areas. But we didn't interfere with your emotion, or your intellect. You understand me, Alex. You're, You're in control I'm in control? Yes. Okay, (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) Relax, if you get too emotional, it'll change the chemistry in your brain. It'll throw the system out. You're doing great. Come on. I need emotion to play. (Speaking french) It's a beautiful piece, Dennett can we have a moment? Thank you. We have agreed on this a (..)
    2014 RoboCop