

  • noun: a place or organization where people live or do business
  • noun: something 'established'
  • usually used with 'the'
  • synonyms: settlement, confirmation


  • He accepted a boring job and became a member of 'the Establishment'.

  • His novels were disliked by 'the' literary 'establishment'.

  • the 'establishment' of a business/school/church/settlement

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) My friends, Invisible Empire is so important for people that need a crash course in the history of the ruling class and what this establishment is setting up. Please support the filmmakers so we can make future documentaries. Visit InfoWars. com. Purchase the high quality, hard case DVD (..)
    2009 Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup
  • (..) a true heart of darkness. But how many people know that... Hitler had his own vision of a New World Order? Hitler had been promoted by the establishment. He graced the cover of Time magazine many times... and was their Man Of The Year, twice. His vision was simple: (..)
    2009 Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup