

  • noun: people in general
  • noun: a group of kindred tribes forming a nation
  • used to talk to a group of people in a friendly and informal way
  • synonyms: people, community, tribe


  • He has become a 'folk hero' in his home state because of the work he has done to help poor children.

  • He doesn't much care for city 'folk'. [=people who live in a city]

  • His 'folks' gave him everything a kid could want.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) There's nothing l'd deny you... ..if you would not deny me. Oh, open your heart to me, Rose. (Jack) Well, l've been on my own since l was , since my folks died. l had no close kin in that part of the country. So l left and l haven't been back since. You could just call me a tumbleweed (..)
    1997 Titanic