

  • noun: a curved or bent tool for catching, holding, or pulling something
  • noun: a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling
  • verb: to connect or attach (something) with a hook
  • verb: to form into a hook
  • used to describe the action of removing a pitcher from a game
  • synonyms: sickle, billhook, snare


  • He gave them some ridiculous explanation, and they fell for it 'hook, line and sinker'. [=they believed his explanation completely]

  • He counted on his friends to 'get' him 'off the hook'. [=to protect him from trouble or punishment]

  • The phone was 'ringing off the hook' all morning. [=many people called during the morning]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) to jumping in there after you. Like l said,... ..l don't have a choice. l'm hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here. You're crazy. That's what everybody says, but... With all due respect, miss, l'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship. Come on. (..)
    1997 Titanic