

  • noun: the act or force of one thing hitting another
  • verb: to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging
  • verb: to have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone)
  • often + 'on'
  • synonyms: affect, strike, collision


  • We hope that these programs will have a positive 'impact on' the community. [=will help the community]

  • The stress of her job is having a negative 'impact on' her health. [=is harming her health]

  • We need to be concerned about the environmental 'impacts' of all this construction.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Now, I have chosen to believe that your country is not playing on our emotions tonight, but nevertheless, you will feel the full impact of them if you do not comply with my demands. Mr. Ambassador, dock your destroyers or the lead story on the morning news will not be about the (..)
    2016 TvShow: Designated Survivor Title: Pilot Season: 1 Episode 1