

  • noun: an amount or degree of something
  • noun: an adequate or due portion
  • verb: to find out the size, length, or amount of (something)
  • verb: to choose or control with cautious restraint
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: regulate, moderation, limit


  • a set of 'measuring cups' ranging from <frac>1/4</frac> cup to 1 cup

  • an instrument for 'measuring' air pressure

Movie quotes

  • (..) No, no, no, how's it doing? Are the guests having fun? Are the animals enjoying life? Well, guest satisfaction is steady in the low s. We don't have a way to measure the animals' emotional experience. Sure you do. You can see in their eyes. Right? Of course. Okay. Now show me my new dinosaur. (..)
    2015 Jurassic World