

  • noun: an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God
  • noun: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs


  • These days, thanks to 'the miracle of television', we can watch events happening on the other side of the world.

  • She worked 'miracles' with those kids. [=she accomplished wonderful things with those kids]

  • The bridge is a 'miracle' of engineering. = The bridge is an engineering 'miracle'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) in a car or in a jailhouse with the cops? We should be fucking dead, my friend. JULES: What happened here was a miracle... and I want you to fucking acknowledge it. All right, it was a miracle. Can we go now? Let's go, nigger. Come on. (..)
    1994 Pulp Fiction
  • (..) I think it's time for us to leave, Jules. Don't do that. Don't fucking blow this shit off. JULES: What just happened here was a fucking miracle. VINCENT: Chill, Jules. This shit happens. Wrong. Wrong. This shit doesn't just happen. Do you want to continue (..)
    1994 Pulp Fiction