

  • noun: an act or process of moving
  • noun: an act, process, or instance of changing place
  • verb: to make a movement of your hand, head, etc., that tells someone to move or act in a certain way
  • verb: to signal by a movement or gesture
  • synonyms: movement, zeitgeist, act


  • Sources say that the governor has 'set the wheels in motion' for a run for the presidency. [=the governor has started to run for president]

  • They will be taking steps to 'set/put' the divorce proceedings 'in motion'. [=to begin the divorce proceedings]

  • She made a 'motion' that the meeting (should) be adjourned. = She made a 'motion' to adjourn (the meeting).

Movie quotes

  • (..) No. We don't have a visual! Repeat! We don't have a visual! Help us out! Where is it? I got it. It's the best motion I've ever seen. The base of this fatty's over / mile. If you're going east on , it's coming over the hill in a few minutes. This is the one. I feel it. It must be there. (..)
    1996 Twister
  • (..) We see a very pronounced hook. Checking for you now. We're getting south-east gusts at miles per hour. Approaching in the funnel. Storm motion is degrees out of the south-west. We're in position. Proceed. Howdy! Must admire their spirit. There's your pal. (..)
    1996 Twister