

  • noun: an occurrence in which a group of people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., show enthusiastic approval or appreciation by clapping their hands together over and over
  • noun: a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted
  • synonyms: acclaim, acclamation, anniversaries


  • He was welcomed by/with a warm 'ovation' when he came out onto the stage.

  • They gave her a long 'ovation'. [=they applauded her for a long time]

  • The crowd gave her a 'standing ovation'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) But still, seven nominations... ...that's something. Anyway, the coach of the French team, Yves Gluant... ... came out for his customary ovation. It was quite the symbol of pride and victory for the French team. ... was Xania, the international pop star. They had been having (..)
    2006 The Pink Panther