

  • noun: someone who is active in government usually as an elected official
  • noun: a person experienced in the art or science of government
  • synonyms: statesman, cunning, politic

Movie quotes

  • (..) Bring her in. I'll handle the explanation. What about Alex? Unfortunately we can't just keep him on ice. The shooting at the station spooked some of the politicians. They're our clients we have to take care of them. They're fine when a machine is lowering the murder rate when a man is (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) act must be repealed. That's us ahead to I spoke to the senate liaison. It looks like it's in the bag, but we still have to tred carefully with the politicians. We're here live at DPD headquarters. Where moments ago Clara Murphy made a shocking statement. Omnicorp as denied me and my son (..)
    2014 RoboCop