

  • noun: a piece of wood or metal that is set in an upright position into or on the ground especially as a support or marker
  • noun: a piece (as of timber or metal) fixed firmly in an upright position especially as a stay or support
  • verb: to put up (a sign, notice, etc.) so that it can be seen by many people
  • verb: to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a placard
  • prefix: after or later than
  • prefix: after
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: postal service, mail, pillar


  • When we lost our cat, we 'posted' (up) signs all over the neighborhood asking if people had seen him.

  • a horse's 'post position' [=the position of a horse in the line of horses at the start of a race]

  • No matter what happens, do not abandon your 'post'. [=do not leave your assigned area]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Uh, they'll be here today. Oh, they're in. That frigging puppy and pigeon Are tanking hard, Hobbs. My people estimate we're gonna post A minus eight for this quarter. A minus eight! That does not happen! You know, we'll... we'll bounce back, we... (..)
    2003 Elf