

  • verb: to cause the occurrence of (a feeling or action)
  • verb: to arouse to a feeling or action
  • sometimes + 'into'
  • synonyms: incite, stir up, anger


  • The results of the election have 'provoked' [='generated'] a lot of discussion.

  • He just says those things because he's trying to 'provoke' you.

  • His insults were intended to 'provoke' [='start'] a fight.

Movie quotes

  • (..) we heard it all Welcome, dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Moreover that we much did long to see you... ...the need we have to use you did provoke our hasty sending Something you have heard of Hamlet's transformation So I call it, since not the exterior nor the inward man resembles what it was (..)
    2015 Hamlet