

  • noun: a real or imaginary machine that is controlled by a computer and is often made to look like a human or animal
  • noun: a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being
  • sometimes used figuratively to describe a person who seems to do things automatically or who seems to have no feelings or emotions


  • A 'robotic' arm is used to mix the chemicals.

  • He answered their questions 'robotically'.

  • He answered the questions like a 'robot'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Alright, Alright, lets uh, let the games begin. Rock and roll. Commence scenario. Lag in the corners. Did you see that? What my robot did. That's how you do it. Your products afraid. . seconds behind. Great. Drop your gun! (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) killed a child. What would it feel? Nothing. That's the problem. That's why percent of Americans will not stand for a robot pulling the trigger. America is the world's most valuable market, and we can't touch it. With a domestic expansion we'd clear billion dollars per annual. (..)
    2014 RoboCop