

  • noun: the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc.
  • noun: the cover of a building
  • verb: to cover (something, such as a building) with a roof
  • verb: to cover with or as if with a roof
  • often + 'over' or 'in'
  • synonyms: covert, shingle, slate


  • We don't have much money, but at least we 'have a roof over our heads'. [=at least we have somewhere to live]

  • You'll do what I say as long as you're living 'under my roof'. [=as long as you are living in my house]

  • We hope to have sales and service 'under one roof' [=at the same location] in the near future.

Movie quotes

  • (..) BOTH: (SINGING) Five more minutes... SARAH: No! - (GLASS SHATTERS) - (CAT YOWLS) That's our chimney! You're gonna destroy the whole roof? Mom, we have to replace the chimney with a slide for when the storks deliver my baby brother. What he said. (..)
    2016 Storks