

  • noun: the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc.
  • noun: the cover of a building
  • verb: to cover (something, such as a building) with a roof
  • verb: to cover with or as if with a roof
  • often + 'over' or 'in'
  • synonyms: covert, shingle, slate


  • We don't have much money, but at least we 'have a roof over our heads'. [=at least we have somewhere to live]

  • You'll do what I say as long as you're living 'under my roof'. [=as long as you are living in my house]

  • We hope to have sales and service 'under one roof' [=at the same location] in the near future.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Yeah, that's okay. Get a load of this. What is that? He transforms. Kids love it. Really? Focus group numbers, through the roof. Really? That's really embarrassing. What is this? You know what, People don't really know what they want (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) The officer "Alfred Miller", Denver. Severe... Seri, cerebellerd.. Cerebellum ataxia. That's why you're the Doctor, Doctor. He scored through the roof with our urban demos. Lets keep this one in mind, I like this guy. Very good sir, I saved the best for last. I give you Sargent "Jack (..)
    2014 RoboCop