

  • noun: a bag that is made of strong paper, cloth, or plastic
  • noun: a usually rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas)
  • verb: to dismiss (someone) from a job
  • verb: to put in or as if in a sack
  • usually + 'of'
  • synonyms: bag, devastation, ravage


  • She has a reputation for being 'good/great in the sack'. [=for being a good sexual partner]

  • He's ready to 'jump/climb in the sack' [=have sex] with any woman who'll have him.

  • The company 'gave him the sack' [=fired him] for improper conduct.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) but it just feels so right. Orson is just the most warm, wonderful, generous man. Oh, generous. That means he's good in the sack. Actually, uh, no. We haven't had sex yet. We're waiting until we get married. Oh, my God. You're serious? (..)
    2006 TvShow: Desperate Housewives Title: Listen to the Rain on the Roof Season: 3 Episode 1
  • (..) l was going to school 'til l met somebody. - Met somebody? - Yeah. Uh, two big monsters... with big green eyes! - Why, l-- l-- - Monsters? - Weren't you afraid? - No, ma'am. But they tied me in a big sack. You don't say! And where was SirJiminy? Eh, huh? Oh,Jiminy? Hey, psst! Leave me outta this. They put him in a little sack. - No! - Yeah! - How did you escape? - l didn't. They chopped me into fi rewood. Oh! Oh, look! My nose! What's happened? (..)
    1940 Pinocchio
  • (..) I'd hardly call this picture marvelous, it's more of a petit-bourgeois statement on how Pablo sees her. Saw her. He's distracted by the fact that she was a absolute volcano in the sack. Too rich for me. Where'd Gil run off to? Work. Been walking around Paris. You know, (..)
    2011 Midnight in Paris