

  • noun: the part of your body where your arm is connected
  • noun: the laterally projecting part of the human body formed of the bones and joints with their covering tissue by which the arm is connected with the trunk
  • verb: to deal with or accept (something) as your responsibility or duty
  • verb: to push or thrust with or as if with the shoulder
  • often used figuratively
  • synonyms: support, jostle, crowd


  • The responsibility for the failure falls squarely 'on her shoulders'. [=she is completely responsible for the failure]

  • You can never feel confident in this business. You always have to be 'looking over your shoulder'.

  • He 'has had a chip on his shoulder' ever since he didn't get the promotion he was expecting.

Movie quotes

  • (..) It won't work, now that his partners hit he's not gonna let it go. His hospital. Murphy's dropping by this afternoon. If I kill a cop I'm looking over my shoulder.. You know what they do to cops in prison man? You get locked up with the same doods you put in there. Think before he gives you up. (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) Louis' hospital. Alex is dropping by this afternoon. In case you want to send flowers. Yeah. Kill a cop, look over my shoulder the rest of my life. It's not good for business. Who do you thinks going to be investigating you"? I'm going to go hard after them, Dennis. (..)
    2014 RoboCop