

  • noun: the act of making a movie, television show, piece of art, etc., available for the public to see
  • noun: an act or an instance of putting something (as an artist's work) on view
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: display, appearance, exhibition


  • The city's education system is 'showing signs of' improvement. [=the city's education system seems to be improving]

  • Both candidates are expected to make a good/strong 'showing' [=to get many votes] in next week's election.

  • The company wants to avoid 'showing its hand' about its decision until next month.

Movie quotes

  • (..) I was waiting to hear you say that. At least I know you're the right color now. Cooler temperatures here today certainly have not stopped people from showing up. We're expecting people from every corner of the city here in detroit. To come out and show their support for Detective Alex Murphy. (..)
    2014 RoboCop
  • (..) I think he's fishin on us. What the hell are they talkin about man? Let me see your phone, let me see your phone I'm not showing you my phone, man. Are you recording this? What? I think you're a God Damn cop. What the hell are you talking about, man? Lie down to the ground. (..)
    2014 RoboCop