

  • verb: to kill (someone or something) especially in a battle or war
  • verb: to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers
  • used especially in newspaper stories and headlines
  • synonyms: murder, slaughter, butcher


  • Police have arrested a man in connection with three 'slayings' that happened last month.

  • That guy 'slays' me. [=that guy kills me; I think he's very funny]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) by Fortinbras of Norway... ...thereto pricked on by a most ambitious pride, dared to the combat In which our valiant Hamlet did slay this Fortinbras Who, by a sealed compact, did forfeit with his life all those his lands... ...which he stood seized of to the conqueror Now sir, young Fortinbras, (..)
    2015 Hamlet