

  • adjective: using speech and not writing
  • adjective: delivered by word of mouth
  • past participle of 'speak'
  • used in combination
  • synonyms: oral, ora, uttered


  • They haven't 'spoken' since the argument two years ago.

  • English is widely 'spoken' in many parts of the world.

  • I can't go out with you; I''m' already 'spoken for'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) And they called him in. I get it. I understand that. But if we are really and truly for the people, and the people of Selma chose him, well, then the people have spoken. And if they want to march, then I'm marching with them. Then, brother, you're marching as John Lewis. Not as part of SNCC. (..)
    2014 Selma
  • (..) for our very own house. Perfect. You look handsome. Through it all, Martin Luther King has spoken of his dream. One which we and many other people around the world share. To this undeterred hero for justice, the Nobel Committee of Oslo, Norway, (..)
    2014 Selma