

  • noun: the season between winter and summer
  • verb: to be resilient or elastic
  • verb: to move or leap suddenly forward or upward
  • often used before another noun
  • synonyms: dart, "erection" in wikisaurus, eastertide


  • You should try to prepare them for your decision instead of just 'springing' it 'on' them suddenly.

  • The rope stretches and 'springs' back into shape. [=returns to its original shape]

  • New housing developments are 'springing up' all over the state.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Let's go! Work! And that's how it came to pass... ...that on the second-to-last day of the job... ...the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '... ...wound up sitting in a row at in the morning... ...drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw... (..)
    1994 The Shawshank Redemption
  • (..) were the worst for him. And I also believe that if things had gone on that way... ...this place would have got the best of him. But then, in the spring of ... ...the powers that be decided: The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. (..)
    1994 The Shawshank Redemption