

  • past tense and past participle of 'stand'


  • His plays have 'stood the test of time'. [=his plays are still read by many people today]

  • She was crouching down to look at something, but she 'stood up' when she saw me.

  • She finally 'stood up to' the girl who had been teasing her at school.

Movie quotes

  • (..) In which our valiant Hamlet did slay this Fortinbras Who, by a sealed compact, did forfeit with his life all those his lands... ...which he stood seized of to the conqueror Now sir, young Fortinbras, of unimproved mettle hot and full... ...hath in the skins of Norway here and there (..)
    2015 Hamlet
  • (..) A figure like your father appears before them, and with solemn march goes slow and stately Whilst they, distilled almost to jelly with the act of fear, stood dumb and spoke not to him This to me in dreadful secrecy did they impart I knew your father, these hands are not more like (..)
    2015 Hamlet