

  • past tense of 'throw'


  • ('American football') The quarterback 'threw' a touchdown/interception. [=threw a pass that resulted in a touchdown/interception]

  • She 'threw' all her efforts 'into' the boy's defense. [=she worked as hard as she could for the boy's defense]

  • She 'threw' everything she had 'into' winning the match. [=she tried as hard as she could to win the match]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) We have a plan. We're going to daycare! Daycare? What, have you all lost your marbles? Well, didn't you see? Andy threw us away. No, no, no, no. He was putting you in the attic. Attic? So how did we end up on the curb? That was a mistake. (..)
    2010 Toy Story 3
  • (..) Point. Point. Point! Push! Push! l can hear the garbage truck! lt's getting closer. Buzz! Jessie! -Andy threw us out. -Like we were garbage. -Junk. He called us junk. -How could he? This doesn't make any sense. l should have seen this coming. (..)
    2010 Toy Story 3