

  • noun: a small, quick sound that is made by a machine (such as a clock) and that often occurs in a series to produce a rhythm
  • noun: any of a superfamily (Ixodoidea) of bloodsucking acarid arachnids that are larger than the related mites, attach themselves to warm-blooded vertebrates to feed, and include important vectors of infectious diseases
  • often + 'off'
  • synonyms: credit, trust, pat


  • You're coming? Okay, I'll 'tick' you 'off' (on my list). [=I'll put a tick/check next to your name on my list]

  • Her parents 'ticked off' [='listed'] all the reasons she should not have stayed out late.

  • She bought her supplies 'on tick'. [=she promised to pay for the supplies later]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I think some company is overdue... I've started talking to the pictures on the walls. Hang in there, Joan. It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by. I'm scared. It's getting stronger. Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down. See you in two weeks. (..)
    2013 Frozen