

  • adjective: unpleasant to look at
  • adjective: offensive to the sight
  • synonyms: frightful, hideous, abominable


  • an 'ugly duckling' that has become a beautiful swan [=an ugly/unsuccessful person or thing that has become beautiful/successful]

  • ('informal') That dog of yours is '(as) ugly as sin'. [=very ugly]

  • The house is an 'ugly duckling', but it has a lot of potential.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Moaning Myrtle. -Who's Moaning Myrtle? -l'm Moaning Myrtle. l wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable. . . . . .moping Moaning Myrtle? She's a little sensitive. Gather round! Gather round. Can everybody see me? (..)
    2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets