

  • noun: a part of an animal's body that is used for flying or gliding
  • noun: one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly
  • verb: to travel to a place by flying there
  • verb: to fit with 'wings'
  • often plural


  • The issue has been 'lurking/waiting in the wings' [=it has been waiting to be dealt with] for several years.

  • He's known as a comic actor, but he's 'spreading his wings' and trying a serious role in his new movie.

  • His nomination is supported by the party's 'left wing' but opposed by the right wing.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) ...I don't read so good. "Well." You don't read... well. We'll get to that. So Andy took Tommy under his wing. Started walking him through his ABC's. Tommy took to it pretty well too. Boy found brains he never knew he had. Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. (..)
    1994 The Shawshank Redemption