

  • past tense and past participle of 'wake'
  • synonyms: <er>wake</er


  • The study 'woke' us 'up to' the importance of regular exercise. [=made us realize the importance of regular exercise]

  • The sound of children shouting 'woke' [='awakened, wakened'] me.

  • I 'woke up' late for work this morning.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Yet it doesn't matter. - Now, tell me why! - Because you'll be together! COBB: But I never knew that that idea would grow in her mind like a cancer... ...that even after she woke... That even after you came back to reality... ...that you would continue to believe your world wasn't real. (..)
    2010 Inception
  • (..) She had locked something away, something deep inside her. A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. Limbo became her reality. What happened when you woke up? Well, to wake up from that after years, after decades... ...to become old souls thrown back into youth like that? (..)
    2010 Inception