

  • noun: a person of importance
  • verb: to honor or respect (someone or something) as a god
  • verb: to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power
  • used as a title when addressing or referring to certain officials (such as mayors and magistrates)
  • synonyms: dignity, worth, worthiness


  • The ceremony will be held at our 'place/house of worship'. [=at our church, synagogue, etc.]

  • My parents 'worship at the altar of' money. [=my parents value money too much]

  • He objects to the unthinking 'hero worship' of great athletes by their fans.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) in great secrecy. This group was formed in the late s... by artists, industrialists and politicians. Bohemian attendees worship the owl as their deity. The Aztecs, Mayans and other natives of Mesoamerica... consider the owl a symbol of destruction and death. (..)
    2009 Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup