

  • noun: the state of being active
  • noun: the quality or state of being 'active'
  • usually plural
  • synonyms: act, acting, action


  • The police are now monitoring criminal/gang/drug 'activity' in the area.

  • There has been an increase in the city's (level of) economic 'activity'.

  • The instruments are used to detect volcanic 'activity' on the island.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Christ, it's cold in here. We're paying these Ecumencial Liberation Army nuts $ a week... in order to turn in authentic film of their revolutionary activities. That inconstitutes "inducement to commit a crime" ... and Walter says we'll all wind up in federal prison. l said, " Walter, (..)
    1976 Network
  • (..) in the top . This network is an industry joke. We better start putting together one winner for next September. l want a show developed... based on the activities of a terrorist group. "Joseph Stalin and His Merry Band of Bolsheviks." l want ideas from you. That is what you're paid for. (..)
    1976 Network