

  • adjective: saying or showing that the answer is “yes” rather than “no”
  • adjective: asserting a predicate of a subject
  • synonyms: confirmative, ratifying, positive


  • He answered (the question) 'in the affirmative'. [=he said “yes”]

  • She gave an 'affirmative' answer, not a negative answer.

  • She answered (the question) 'affirmatively'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission. Please elaborate. - It's the same feeling I had about Mardi Gras in . That is affirmative. Surprisingly, Control hasn't heard the Mardi Gras story. Please proceed. Well, it's day one, and I'm bumping my way down Bourbon Street looking for a sister (..)
    2013 Gravity