

  • adjective: saying or showing that the answer is “yes” rather than “no”
  • adjective: asserting a predicate of a subject
  • synonyms: confirmative, ratifying, positive


  • He answered (the question) 'in the affirmative'. [=he said “yes”]

  • She gave an 'affirmative' answer, not a negative answer.

  • She answered (the question) 'affirmatively'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) DENNIS: Yeah. Is that what America is about? No. America's about "best man for the job." You do your best, you get the job. You know, this affirmative action crap... I don't know what that's about. There's some... ...hidden agenda or something going on. - You see what I'm saying? - Yeah, I do. (..)
    1998 American History X
  • (..) Yeah. What? Nothing. It's just, you know. It's everywhere I look now. What? This affirmative blaction. Honey, a few new books doesn't qualify as affirmative black action. Read the book, ace the guy's test. Just don't swallow everything he feeds you whole. (..)
    1998 American History X