

  • noun: a country that supports and helps another country in a war
  • verb: to unite or form a connection or relation between
  • verb: to join (yourself) with another person, group, etc., in order to get or give support
  • often + 'with' or 'to'
  • synonyms: associate, relative, kinsman


  • The teacher's union has found an unlikely 'ally' in the company. [=the company supports the position that the union has taken and this was not expected]

  • He'll even admit that he's hoping to 'ally' himself 'to' a wealthy family by marriage.

  • countries 'allying' themselves 'with' the EU

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) You surely have turned calamity into victory. Despite your insufferable arrogance... ...the god-king has come to admire Spartan valor and fighting skill. You will make a mighty ally. Yield, Leonidas. Use your reason. Think of your men. I beg you. Listen to your fellow Greek. He can attest (..)
    2006 300
  • (..) My husband does not have two days. Think of the two days as a gift. It's no secret... ...Theron wants what you control. It's his voice you must silence. Make him your ally... ...and you will have your victory. Thank you. You are wise as you are kind. There's your mother. (..)
    2006 300