

  • verb: to give reasons for or against something
  • + 'with'
  • synonyms: reason, dispute, remonstrate


  • They tried to 'argue' their parents into getting a new car. [=to persuade their parents to get a new car]

  • The result 'argues for' a new approach. [=the result shows that we need a new approach]

  • You 'can't argue with' her success. [=you can't deny that she is successful]

Movie quotes

  • (..) For the good of the nation, we need to disband this committee, and put this behind us. The president most likely would not have survived the hearings. You could argue that he had no choice but to resign. But we can't deny that his testimony struck a chord. Well, that may be true. (..)
    2017 TvShow: House of Cards Title: Chapter 65 Season: 5 Episode 13