

  • noun: a weapon that is made to be shot from a bow and that is usually a stick with a point at one end and feathers at the other end
  • noun: a missile shot from a bow and usually having a slender shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the butt
  • verb: to move fast and straight like an arrow in flight
  • synonyms: dart, antelope, arc


  • He doesn't drink or smoke. He's a real 'straight arrow'.

  • The 'arrow' on the map points north.

  • shoot an 'arrow'

Movie quotes

  • (..) but those words that will exist beyond me. "To be, or not to be... that is the question. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune "or to take arms against a sea of trouble, "And by sleep to say we end the heartache (..)
    2016 TvShow: 12 Monkeys Title: Lullaby Season: 2 Episode 8