

  • noun: a piece of writing about a particular subject that is included in a magazine, newspaper, etc.
  • noun: a distinct often numbered section of a writing
  • verb: to work for a group of lawyers, architects, etc., while you are learning to become a lawyer, architect, etc.
  • verb: to bind by 'articles' (as of apprenticeship)
  • sometimes used figuratively
  • synonyms: subject, matter, concern


  • For many people it is an 'article of faith' [=something that is believed without being questioned or doubted] that the economy will begin to improve soon.

  • In “I gave a book to the boy” the word “a” is an 'indefinite article' and the word “the” is a definite article.

  • A lot of people pretend to be cowboys, but he's 'the genuine article'. [=he's a real cowboy]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) when we're dying. Though you might want to think about getting a job at some point. He has a job. He's a writer. All it takes is one article. For what? To get paid bucks? To lead to bigger things. You have any projects you're working on? Yes, Mom, thank you. As a matter of fact, I do. - I'm working on an article right now. - What's it about? It's a trend piece, about something called edging. It's when you have sex or masturbate without coming. (..)
    2013 TvShow: Orange Is the New Black Title: The Chickening Season: 1 Episode 5