

  • verb: to make bald
  • adjective: having no hair or very little hair on the head
  • adjective: lacking a natural or usual covering (as of hair, vegetation, or nap)
  • synonyms: unadorned, bare, literal


  • To put it 'baldly' [=to say it in a harsh and honest way], I don't like you.

  • She repeated her 'bald' assertion that her son was not guilty of the crime.

  • Don't believe her. She's a 'bald-faced' [='barefaced, blatant'] liar.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) They take anything they want. How would you like it if someone told you the truth? - What? What could they say? - There are plenty of things to say. Like what? I'm bald? What is it specifically? Is there an odour I'm not aware of? - George, please. - Give me one. - You sure? (..)
    1991 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Truth Season: 3 Episode 2