

  • noun: a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity
  • noun: the act of 'battering' or beating
  • synonyms: enfilading battery, from battery


  • a 'dead battery' = ('Brit') a 'flat battery' [=a battery that has no more electricity]

  • The operation was performed by a 'battery' of doctors.

  • He was found guilty of 'battery'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Patrol officers have secured a ten-block perimeter. All civilians are being evacuated. Here's what the convicts were in for: arson, kidnapping, racketeering, assault and battery, forgery and counterfeiting, triple homicide. Whoo! What? I'm not excited about the murders. I'm excited about the (..)
    2017 TvShow: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Title: #DUPE# Season: 4 Episode 11