

  • noun: a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity
  • noun: the act of 'battering' or beating
  • synonyms: enfilading battery, from battery


  • a 'dead battery' = ('Brit') a 'flat battery' [=a battery that has no more electricity]

  • The operation was performed by a 'battery' of doctors.

  • He was found guilty of 'battery'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Batteries, insulators, electromagnetic current. Batteries can withstand a lot of incoming charges. The more powerful the battery, the bigger the charge it can withstand. But if the incoming charge exeeds the outgoing charge, the battery might explode! Explode! You're not invincible. I think I need a bigger battery! - Hello? - Pete, its me. Hey, Harry, what time is it? Late, early, I don't know. I've been up all night. (..)
    2014 The Amazing Spider-Man 2