

  • noun: a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity
  • noun: the act of 'battering' or beating
  • synonyms: enfilading battery, from battery


  • a 'dead battery' = ('Brit') a 'flat battery' [=a battery that has no more electricity]

  • The operation was performed by a 'battery' of doctors.

  • He was found guilty of 'battery'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) I am going to ask you something. Apostol... You know that i care for you, just like a brother, even more than that. We will see. Mr lieutenant, the battery is on the phone. Report. Do not shoot. Why aren't you shooting the projector, Bologa? Are you insane? You allowed me to take all the decisions (..)
    1965 Forest of the Hanged
  • (..) Time to go. Bologa... Please... for me. The projector... Destroy it. Battery, fire line! Fire! Correction to the left. Fire! Fire! Fire! (..)
    1965 Forest of the Hanged