

  • noun: a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity
  • noun: the act of 'battering' or beating
  • synonyms: enfilading battery, from battery


  • a 'dead battery' = ('Brit') a 'flat battery' [=a battery that has no more electricity]

  • The operation was performed by a 'battery' of doctors.

  • He was found guilty of 'battery'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Monsieur Dumont, you must move your vehicle immediately. I am so sorry, Officer Clouseau. My chair, it won't move. Here's your problem. Your battery cable has come undone. Let me help. Let's see. The positive to the negative. The negative to the positive. There. All right, you are ready to go. (..)
    1976 The Pink Panther Strikes Again